Art Circle Crew - Affirmation

Our intention for this workshop is to focus on the Affirmation of self. In this hectic world, it is very easy to lose sight of who we are, and what it means to simply 'be'. Acknowledging and accepting our role as human is something that takes time. We will manifest these ideas through the workshop with some deep breathing, and a singular focus on each of the seven chakras in turn by creating individual and personalised chakra spirit guides. Having a visual reminder as we engage with the different energies, colours, words, to remember that you are, you feel, you do, you love, you talk, you see, you understand.

30 mins


Before using the service, consider your state of health and adapt the intensity of the exercise to your abilities. In case of any health limitations, consult a doctor.
Profile photo Prague Spirit Festival

Prague Spirit Festival

Prague Spirit Festival je věnován lidem, kteří se rádi potkávají s dalšími lidmi. Otevřete oči, uši a srdce a připojte se k nám na speciální zážitek sebeuvědomění prostřednictvím cvičení jógy, hudby a umění žít. Protože patříme k sobě.
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