Brendan Tucker - Flow Through Anxiety

Brendan Tucker - Flow Through Anxiety


In these troubled times, Anxiety is something that can easily grab hold of our mental health.

In this 1 hour class, we will work through all the different levels of Anxiety: the physical tension, our breathing, the mental chatter and the underlying thoughts thoughts feelings that feed our Anxiety.

Experience a slow, conscious practice designed to bring you deeper within yourself, learning how to utilise your control and let go of the need to control the world around you.

1 hrs


Before using the service, consider your state of health and adapt the intensity of the exercise to your abilities. In case of any health limitations, consult a doctor.
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Prague Spirit Festival

Prague Spirit Festival je věnován lidem, kteří se rádi potkávají s dalšími lidmi. Otevřete oči, uši a srdce a připojte se k nám na speciální zážitek sebeuvědomění prostřednictvím cvičení jógy, hudby a umění žít. Protože patříme k sobě.
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