Calming stress and anxiety

Calming stress and anxiety


In this lesson Anna and Julia will show you simple asanas and a breathing technique that help calming stress, anxiety and panic attacks. You can use these exercises for a quick calming down whenever you need. I recommend practicing them regularly as a form of gym for the nervous system and that way supporting a longer lasting peace.

mindfulness, teenage, yoga
breathing, meditation, relaxation, slowdown
Body part
brain, nervous system, respiratory system, spine
yoga mat
being: self acceptance, self awareness, body: relaxation, mind: calm, relaxation, tension release, technique: shavasana, vitality: breath slowing, breath work, emotion control, life energy, lungs vital capacity
14 mins


Before using the service, consider your state of health and adapt the intensity of the exercise to your abilities. In case of any health limitations, consult a doctor.
Profile photo Jana Kyriakou

Jana Kyriakou

Jana Kyriakou praktikuje a učí pohyb a práci s tělem i myslí více než 25 let. Pomáhá dospělým, dětem a mladistvým, aby se cítili ve svém těle doma, aby uměly pracovat se stresem a úzkostmi a aby žili naplno a s radostí. Je mezinárodně certifikovaná lektorka mindfulness, jógy a jógové psychologie, pilates, jógy smíchu, tance a programu Embody Love Movement© (ELM), zaměřujícího se na problematiku “body-image” a rozvoj sebelaskavosti.
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