Prop yourself up to protect your knees with Lisa

Prop yourself up to protect your knees with Lisa


Do your knees hurt in Supta Virasana or Trianga Mukha Eka Pada Paschimotthanasana? Does that sound like a lot already? Don't worry if you don't know the Sanskrit, but do take precaution if you've got pain in the knees in certain poses.

Lisa will show you how to safely use a block (or anything similar from your home) to protect those precious knee joints in your practice.

silová, vinyasa
posilnenie, postúry, poznanie, rozvoj
Časť tela
kolená, nohy, ruky
blok, jógamatka
telo: pohyb
2 min.
17. 2. 2023


Pred použitím služby zvážte svoj zdravotný stav a prispôsobte náročnosť cvičenia svojim schopnostiam. V prípade akýchkoľvek zdravotných obmedzení konzultujte s lekárom.
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Asana Etc

Asana Etc was created to make yoga and mindfulness accessible to all, no matter where you are in the world. With so much of our lives online, why not share the passion and love of our beautiful Prague Yoga Collective Community with the world? We believe that yoga is open to all who are willing to try & that the mat only requires you to show up and be yourself. With every step we take, we are building this global community with great care and intentionality — together.
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