Intro to Pre-Natal Yoga

Intro to Pre-Natal Yoga

3 lekcií

Wondering how to adjust your regular practice while pregnant? Then this short bundle is definitely for you. Lisa will carefully walk you through the do's and dont's of adjusting your practice to your growing belly, as well as lead you through a safe, strong, and calming Pre-Natal yoga practice.


lekcie kurzu

Intro to Pre-Natal Yoga with Lisa
4 min.

Let's talk a little about prenatal yoga before we get into the other videos and how it can be beneficial in your journey.

Pre-Natal Yoga with Lisa
1 h. 6 min.

Join Lisa for a longer, quite strong, but mindful vinyasa class designed for doing while pregnant. Honestly tho, it can also be a nice practice for postpartum or if you’re on a journey trying to conceive too.

A few Gentle Pre/Post Natal Yoga Poses with Lisa
10 min.

In this video Lisa will show you a few gentle Pre Natal yoga poses you can do on your own, all together or each one on its own when you need it during your pregnancy.

hatha, pre deti, vinyasa
flexibilita, relaxácia
Časť tela
boky, chrbtica, dolná časti chrbta
telo: aktivácia organizmu, pohyb, pružnosť chrbtice
1 h. 23 min.
28. 12. 2022


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Profilová fotografia Asana Etc

Asana Etc

Asana Etc was created to make yoga and mindfulness accessible to all, no matter where you are in the world. With so much of our lives online, why not share the passion and love of our beautiful Prague Yoga Collective Community with the world? We believe that yoga is open to all who are willing to try & that the mat only requires you to show up and be yourself. With every step we take, we are building this global community with great care and intentionality — together.
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