Level Up

Level Up

6 lekcií

Yoga practice can be truly re-energizing but sometimes we feel that we do not even have the energy to step on our mats. And then the vicious circle begins - "I do not have energy to move, but then I can't harvest the new power that would come from the movement itself". Don't be hard on yourself, it is not easy to step out of this circle. We are here to help you - in this bundle you can find classes that will definitely help you lift up that energy level and keep you coming back to your practice.


lekcie kurzu

Short, Steady & Sweaty get you out of your Funk Flow w/Alex
25 min.

Get your heartrate going in this short, challenging flow to get you out of your mid-day (or anytime of day) funk. Brighten up the body and mind while practicing tricky transitions and even a few inversions.

Challenge Yourself Flow with Betti
54 min.

If you would like to work on your press up, combine strength and flexibility, challenge your balance, or grab every opportunity to go up-side-down, this flow is designed for you.

Intense Hip-Opening Flow with Betti
1 h. 12 min.

With long holds and deep stretches you will work on opening and strengthening your body. Approaching the hips from various angles contributes to increase the flexibility and mobility of the pelvis area.

Vinyasa Flow with Alex (Group Class)
56 min.

In this moderate to intense flow you'll meet positions to strengthen and lengthen obliques, open your hips, and work on your funky flying crow.

Strength, Flexibility, and Balance with Betti
1 h. 14 min.

Various arm balances, fun transitions - a challenge for the whole body. During this flow you will work with positions like pincha mayurasana/ forearm stand, flying lizard and grasshopper.

Rocket III: Le Grand Finale with David
1 h. 4 min.

Rocket III Happy Hour is where we usually come together at the end of the week to celebrate, with fun and lightness, by practicing all the postures in the Rocket series. The good news is you're welcome to practice this one at any time! ;) So join David in combinations of the forward fold and backbend sequences of Rocket Yoga, and get ready for takeoff!! A journey through physical and internal space.

aštanga, kancelárska jóga, predpôrodná, vinyasa
dýchanie, koncentrácia, poznanie, relaxácia
Časť tela
boky, celé telo, nohy, psoas
5 h. 46 min.
6. 1. 2023


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Profilová fotografia Asana Etc

Asana Etc

Asana Etc was created to make yoga and mindfulness accessible to all, no matter where you are in the world. With so much of our lives online, why not share the passion and love of our beautiful Prague Yoga Collective Community with the world? We believe that yoga is open to all who are willing to try & that the mat only requires you to show up and be yourself. With every step we take, we are building this global community with great care and intentionality — together.
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