Strength for Yogis

Strength for Yogis

7 lekcií

In this series you will find shorter classes that focus on building strength and stamina, endurance and control.


lekcie kurzu

Strength for Yogis and non-Yogis I.
38 min.

In this series of videos you will have the chance to challenge your strength, improve your stamina and build stronger friendship with your beautiful muscles

Strength for Yogis and non-Yogis II.
37 min.

In this series of videos you will have the chance to challenge your strength, improve your stamina and build stronger friendship with your beautiful muscles

Strength for Yogis with Betti
32 min.

Today we are not going to flow. Not in this video ;) This lesson is focused on building strength and stamina. Take it as an investment into your practice and let those muscles burn!

Focus on your core with Lisa
16 min.

All about the core! In this short video, you will go through a couple of abdominal practices. Lisa will help you wake up your inner fire, your "agni".

Fire up your core - David
32 min.

Get ready because this video will bring strength and control to your abs!

Mix & Match Bundle: Short Practice for your Abs with Betti
16 min.

This flow is part of the "Mix&Match" bundle. It is a well-rounded, short class on its own in case you have only 20 minutes for your practice today.

Mix & Match Bundle: Short Flow for Shoulder Strength
19 min.

This flow is part of the "Mix&Match" bundle. It is a well-rounded, short class on its own in case you have only 20 minutes for your practice today.

stredne pokročilí
hatha, meditácia, tok prány, vinyasa
dýchanie, koncentrácia, meditácia, mobilita
Časť tela
brušné svaly, ramená, stred tela, šikmé svaly
vitalita: hlboké uvoľnenie, ovládanie emócií, vitálna kapacita pľúc, životná energia
3 h. 13 min.
29. 12. 2022


Pred použitím služby zvážte svoj zdravotný stav a prispôsobte náročnosť cvičenia svojim schopnostiam. V prípade akýchkoľvek zdravotných obmedzení konzultujte s lekárom.
Profilová fotografia Asana Etc

Asana Etc

Asana Etc was created to make yoga and mindfulness accessible to all, no matter where you are in the world. With so much of our lives online, why not share the passion and love of our beautiful Prague Yoga Collective Community with the world? We believe that yoga is open to all who are willing to try & that the mat only requires you to show up and be yourself. With every step we take, we are building this global community with great care and intentionality — together.
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