

6 lekcií

Do you love to go up-side-down? We too! In this "Inverted" series you will find flow style classes with plenty of opportunities to bring your feet up into the air. Bring your arms, shoulders to the center of attention, find your balance and enjoy this inverted world on your yoga mat


lekcie kurzu

Rocket II: Arm Balances, Backbends and Handstands with David
58 min.

The Yogasana practice needs lots of stability, strength, flexibility, and mobility. In this Rocket II practice, we will connect the back muscles, shoulders, and core system to find that health in our upper body.

Pincha Flow with Selen
46 min.

After a thorough warm-up of the shoulders, and opening of the chest, Selen will give you the opportunity to play with your Forearm Stand.

Full Body Vinyasa with lots of Handstands with Alex
49 min.

In this Vinyasa Flow with Alex you'll have a full body experience with lots of opportunities to work on your inversions.

Rocket I with Betti
51 min.

Here comes a Rocket I class with Betti! Lets create some heat together, fight with those warriors, play around with a couple of handstand hops and then choose your favorite version of a closing sequence.

Strong shoulders, strong hips - challenging flow with Helena
38 min.

Do you love to go up-side-down? Us too! In this "Inverted" series you will find flow style classes with plenty of opportunities to bring your feet up into the air. Bring your arms and shoulders to the center of attention, find your balance, and enjoy this inverted world on your yoga mat

Funky Crow Flow with Klaudia
30 min.

We kick things up a notch as we explore a lesser known variation of traditional bakasana.

akro, hatha, jóga, vinyasa
meditácia, spomalenie, výdrž v pozíciách, zdravie
Časť tela
ramená, ruky, stred tela, zápästia
myseľ: cieľavedomosť, priestorová orientácia, sebavedomie, uvoľnenie
4 h. 38 min.
30. 12. 2022


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Profilová fotografia Asana Etc

Asana Etc

Asana Etc was created to make yoga and mindfulness accessible to all, no matter where you are in the world. With so much of our lives online, why not share the passion and love of our beautiful Prague Yoga Collective Community with the world? We believe that yoga is open to all who are willing to try & that the mat only requires you to show up and be yourself. With every step we take, we are building this global community with great care and intentionality — together.
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